Introduction |
GNS5892R StarterKit is a lightweight ADS-B ground receiver designed specifically for 1090MHz "virtual radar" surveillance. It utilizes high dynamic signal processing circuits, enabling reception of ADS-B data from close range to far range simultaneously. GNS5892R StarterKit can be used to verify GNS5892R ADS-B receiver module and test supported features.
The GNS5892R StarterKit package includes: |
SPECIFICATIONS | ||||||||||||||||
Data Format |
The output data format is ASCII ADS-B text format, compatible with various commonly used software applications. Below is an example of the data:
Receiver Connection |
Connect the receiver to the computer via a miniUSB cable. Then, open the Device Manager on your computer. You should see a newly added port under the port section. This port corresponds to the receiver port.
When the receiver indicator light is flashing green, it indicates that data reception is in progress.
Configuring ADS-B Display Software |
Open the adsbSCOPE ADS-B display software.
Select the appropriate port for the serial connection, choose a baud rate of 921600, and click the OK button.
Click on the "Connect" button.
Open the "goto Town or Airport" window.
Select the airport closest to you, then click "Confirm Selection."
Display Successful
Customization |
We’re willing to do customization for you. Please don’t hesitate to contact us and provide your requirement. We’re happy to hear from you.
Lightweight ADS-B Ground Receiver GNS5892R StarterKit User Manual