Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you need ADS-B, ACARS and AIS hardware, software or service.

We can't handle new orders recently. Sorry! But we'll be back soon!


Company Location:

Head Office:

Floor 24, No. 1589, Xinhua Road, Kuiwen District, Weifang, Shandong, China. 

Global Sales Branch:

Floor 12, San Toi Building, 139 Connaught Road Central, Central and Western District, Hong Kong.

Backup Email:

Normally, we would reply your email in 48 hours. If you don't get reply, there must be something wrong. Please send your email to us again, or try Backup Email. Remember, we would NOT neglect your email.
We're here to help you,

Not just sell products to you!

This website is intended exclusively for users outside of China.
The content herein does not constitute advertising activities targeting the Chinese market.